Monday, September 28, 2020

COVID and the number 19

Jonathan Cahn’s latest book: The Harbinger II, continues the discussion between a man named Nouriel, a business woman named Anna, and a mysterious man named The Prophet. Harbinger set the stage by explaining the details surrounding the attack of 9/11 using the same characters. Especially the reasons why our country allowed it to happen by abandoning our Judeo Christian heritage. This Hedge of Protection was breached by the planes that set out from Boston as they crashed into the world trade center. The Harbinger II adds a detail that the airport was built over the exact spot where the ship carrying John Winthrop, leader of the Pilgrims, landed on April 8, 1630. Eleven more ships would later come to bring 700 more Pilgrims from England to start the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which Winthrop dedicated to God. They saw themselves following the pattern of Israel as they were entering a new promised land. Divine justice is a master at reversing things through promises and curses. For example, in Israel’s early history, ten spies were sent to check out the land that God promised them. With the exception of Joshua and Caleb, the rest of the spies reacted in fear to the giants in the promised land. As a result, God put the nation through forty years of wandering to make sure the children survived and the adults died off. Joshua and Caleb led the way into the Promised Land. This reversal where the adults die and the children survive would play itself out in our day. But more on that below.

As I read Harbinger II, I was reminded that God is watching us and our nation. Everything we do is like a test. Are we following the Lord or are we responding in fear and following after other gods? In Jonathan’s book, the Paradigm, he draws a strong parallel between America’s recent political history and ancient Israel’s history. Our current history is acting out what happened to Israel. The other day I was reading how Jeremiah had to deal with critics speaking fake news because he kept warning Judah about the impending judgment. God used Jeremiah to act out their situation by taking a clay jar in front of the people and smashing it on the ground. This demonstration was reenacted by Jonathan Cahn in his spectacular Prophetic Day of Prayer at the National Mall in Washington DC a few days ago on September 26, 2020. The lesson has alarming implications for us; 9/11 was but the first sign with more to come. The invasion of Israel by the Babylonians in 586 BC is a counterpart we don’t want to experience. But if America continues down its moral slide, such a fate is possible, considering that we are already experiencing the judgment of Covid-19. The main sins of America are the removal of the knowledge of the Biblical God and the Bible from our schools, our laws, and our culture, the redefinition of marriage, calling good evil and evil good, and, above all, the shedding of innocent blood, most notably through abortion.

Jeremiah 32:35  “And they built the high places of Baal which are in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.”

This horrific practice where a baby was sacrificed on a hot iron idol is like unto abortion where a viable baby in the womb is killed through various disgusting means, whether through chemicals, suction, or utensils which pull its body apart. The insanity of this barbaric practice screams to heaven for justice. So how is this tied in with COVID-19?

The abortion death toll in America is over 60,000,000! Here are some selected quotes from chapter 29: The Plague - where Nouriel and the Prophet interact:

    “The judgment that came upon Israel for the children offered in sacrifice was the manifestation of the principle of inversion and reciprocity. As they had taken the lives of their children, so their own lives would be taken. The judgment becomes the inversion of the sin.”

    “So, if a judgment was to come upon the world for such a massive and colossal evil, how would it manifest? What would be the judgment, the inversion, for the sin in which the older takes the life of the younger?”

    “It would be a judgment,” I said haltingly, almost trembling, “That strikes down… the older… a judgment that focuses its fury on the older, that strikes down the older of that generation.” (Nouriel)

    “And spares the younger… the younger of the generation.”

    “Tell me,” said the Prophet, “how long has abortion on demand been legal in America and in much of the world?”

    “It was legalized across the nation in 1971, but it began in 1970.”

    “The generation that had robbed millions of their first breath was now struck by a plague that would require of them their last.”


    “Tell me,” he said, “what nation is it that performs more abortions  than any other?”

    “I don’t know.”

    “China. And where did this plague begin?”

    “In China.”

    “And what nation, by its example and influence, has led the governments of other nations to sanction the killing of their children?”

    “I don’t know.”



    “Now let’s go deeper, what state above all other states, has the [most] blood on their hands?”

    “New York state,” I replied. (Nouriel)

    “And where in America, of all states, did the fury of the plague center?”

    “New York City.”

    “More unborn children had been killed within that city than in any other city in America… So when the plague came upon America, it struck down more people within that one city, than [anywhere].

    “Remember what Jeremiah prophesied of Tophet and the valley of Hinnom.”

    “That those killed on the day of judgment would correspond to the children killed in sacrifice there.”

    “Was there anything significant that happened in New York just before the plague came upon the world, anything that happened in the preceding year?”

    …”the New York legislature passed to legalize the killing of children up to the point of birth.”

    “The law that left many in shock and others calling it horrific and gruesome. The law that New York enacted with great joy and celebration.”

    “So they were both set in motion in the same year...and the governor of New York ordered the harbinger, the tower of Ground Zero, the high place of Tophet, to be lit in celebration.”

    “There was another place,” said the Prophet, “from which the plague came to America, another gate.”

    “What place?”

    Seattle, Washington. It was there that the first official case of the virus was recorded. Washington was one of two states in America that followed New York in sanctioning the act of abortion. It was from Washington that the news went forth that the plague had arrived on American shores… Do you know what date appeared next to those headlines?”


    “It was January 22. January 22 is the day America legalized the killing of unborn children.”

    “I have a question: Jeremiah prophesied the coming of a pestilence and a judgment that would answer to the blood of the nation’s children. When exactly did that judgment  come?”

    “In 586 BC.”

    “586 BC was nineteen years after the nation’s first shaking. The first invasion of the enemy.” (Note: see Harbinger I for details)

    “So then, could it be that the mystery ordains that nineteen years after the first shaking of America, 9/11, there would come not only another shaking but a plague answering to the blood of the nation’s children… in 2020?”

    “What number is contained in the name of the plague?”

    “The number nineteen… COVID-19.”

    “And what happens if you open up the Book of Jeremiah and turn to the nineteenth chapter?”

    “I have no idea.”

    “It leads you to Jeremiah’s prophecy of the judgment and plagues to come upon the nation for the blood of its children.”

    “The nineteenth year, a plague called nineteen, and the nineteenth chapter of the prophecy of the plague and judgment of the nineteenth year… It’s too much to take in.”

    “And yet,” said the Prophet, “there’s more. The word of Jeremiah concerning Tophet was connected to a prophetic act.


        Thus says the LORD, ‘Go and get a potter’s earthen flask… And go out to the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, which is by the entry of the Potsherd Gate, and proclaim there the words that I will tell you.”

    “So as Jeremiah exposed the nation’s sin against its children and foretold the judgment… he smashed the jar as a sign of the coming calamity and said this:

        … and they shall bury them in Tophet [which is linked to the Potter’s Field] till there is no place to bury.”

    “So if New York City corresponds with Tophet, the ground of the slain children, what would that mean?”

    “There were so many deaths that the city’s funeral homes and morgues could not contain them… So the city took the unclaimed bodies to a place called Hart Island… Do you know what that ground is called?”


    “The Potter’s Field.”


    “And yet,” he said, “there’s still more. There’s only one other place in the Bible that speaks of what would happen in Tophet, the calamity and the burial of the dead. It’s another of Jeremiah’s prophecies (seventh and eight chapters):


        Is there no balm in Gilead,

        Is there no physician there?

        Why then is there no recovery

        For the health of the daughter of my people?

    “Gilead was a place in Israel from which came a healing substance…. Do you remember the name of one of the companies which was offering a medicine for COVID-19?”


    “The name of the company was Gilead… Gilead Sciences.”

    “That’s too…”

    “And yet there’s more.”

    “I don’t know if I can take more.”

    [I’m paraphrasing the next part]

    “In the Bible, a Jubilee comes every fifty years. From 1970 to 2020 is fifty years. The vote on abortion took place on two days in the New York State Capitol building and then the Assembly, on April 9 and April 10, 1970. Fifty years later, the plague struck America and New York. Do you know when its fury reached its peak in New York?”


    “April 9 and April 10, 2020.”

    “I couldn’t speak. The Prophet allowed me to stay quiet until I was ready.”

    “What you’re showing me,” I said, “are the signs not only of a world under judgment but of a specific nation, a nation replaying the template of judgment with eerie and overwhelming precision. I’m looking for an answer for that nation.”

    “There is one… even for those who have taken part in committing the ancient sin. For greater than any sin is His love…. There is hope.”

    “I’m not seeing the light in the darkness.”

    At that, he rose to his feet. But I couldn’t move. So I just sat there in the middle of Times Square as the lights and colors displayed themselves, ceaselessly, restlessly, for no one.



I recommend you get and read this book, and the context for it too: The Harbinger. Jonathan Cahn’s other books are amazing too, especially The Paradigm and the Oracle.

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