Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Third Thing Every Christian Should Know About the Founding of America

One Nation Under GOD

Ten Things Every Christian Should Know About the Founding of America

By Dr. David C. Gibbs, President of Christian Law Association

And Jerry Newcombe

Before moving onto the third thing… I need to acknowledge a few points. While many of America’s early Pioneers were thoroughly Christian, subsequent immigration and generational changes affected the populace over time - and not to our country’s benefit. In addition to that, there has long been a sinister influence that has fashioned many of the details of our country. I’m speaking about freemasonry. As Tom Horn writes about in his many books, most recently Zeitgeist 2025 (the countdown to the Secret Destiny of America), the imprint that freemasonry has had on our seal, our money, and the public buildings - including their layout in Washington D.C. is profound. Here is a brief quote from Tom Horn’s book:

“It is important to note that besides Benjamin Franklin, as many as forty-four of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence were also Freemasons. Numerous US presidents were part of the Craft as well, including Washington, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, A. Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, T. Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, F. Roosevelt, Truman, L. B. Johnson, and Ford, not to mention additional elites in the Order such as Paul Revere, Edmund Burke, John Hancock, and many more.

[Washington D.C.’s] layout intentionally incorporated the esoteric belief system of Freemasonry, especially as it involved astrologically aligning the capital with the constellation Virgo (Isis). In 1793, when George Washington sanctioned the laying of the capitol building’s cornerstone, he did so wearing a Masonic apron emblazoned with the brotherhood’s symbols.” 

While all of this behind-the-scenes maneuvering affected many of the higher level people and institutions in Washington, the average person in the 1700-1900 period was still being taught morals based on the Bible:

Here is a quote from THE-BIBLE-USE-IN-AMERICAN-SCHOOLS-1700-1900.pdf

"In early American church schools, private schools, and public schools, the Bible was used as a textbook as well as a devotional guide. The 17th century founders of American society discerned in Scripture the patterns by which God directed the whole of human destiny. Hence, the methods and aims of education were finally to be governed by the biblical revelation, and in the most fundamental way God was the one true teacher. This view of education was particularly evident among the Puritans who settled New England in the decades following 1630. Barr says the Bible was a powerful force in education in the 17th and 18th centuries and gradually declined in the 19th and 20th centuries. “Opening exercises began with the Lord's Prayer, Bible readings, and roll call. Even by the mid-20th century, Pennsylvania public elementary and secondary schools began with the Lord’s prayer, Bible reading, roll call, and the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Further, the focus of learning changed during the 1900s, scholars say, to accommodate a world that was becoming more specialized, more scientific. The Bible generally took on a more perfunctory role in the schools -- providing passages for opening ceremonies, a backdrop for religious holidays. During this time, what Lundy calls “biblical illiteracy'' in the culture also crept into the schools. “Neutrality in religion” became the accepted mode in the classroom."

So, is the United States a Christian country? Jonathan Cahn is famous for establishing that our country is a modern day version of pre-captivity Israel. What happened to them is happening to us now. His books Paradigm and Harbinger II are especially applicable. We, like Israel, are a country that knew the Biblical God and were blessed as a result. But over time, we, like they, departed from the LORD and went our own way. For Israel, it led to invasion and military defeat; for us - who knows? Our extremely weak and incompetent administration, the threats from Russia and China, the brain washing of our schools and universities, plus the ever mutating Covid virus all point to the prophesied involvement with the Global swamp. That’s where the 2025 comes from in Horn’s Zeitgeist book. Is that our intersection with destiny? I hope not.

Back to the book:


Without a doubt, the Puritans helped to shape the future course of the American nation. It was both their theological and political practices, as well as their written agreements for self-government based on the Bible, that have had the greatest impact on America. The third thing every Christian should know about the founding of America is that the Puritan practice of church covenants gave rise to the concept of political covenants, compacts, and written constitutions. Ultimately, these documents did much to inspire the United States Constitution, which survives to this day."

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