Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The word Abortion is a Euphemism

I attend a weekly Bible Study group called Torah Club. The Jewish world goes through the Torah (5 books of Moses) and related readings from the Prophets and Writings in one year. Torah Club does the same thing, but it is directed and augmented by the fulfillment of those same scriptures in the person of Yeshua the Messiah and the writings of the New Covenant. Each weekly Torah Reading has a name. This week’s Torah reading is called Toldot, taken from Genesis 23:1-25:18. In addition to the reading, there is a commentary. I’d like to share some of those comments because they are greatly needed by the world. 

In this week’s portion, Rebekah delivers twins: Jacob and Esau. These two were struggling with each other in the womb up until their birth as Jacob grasps the heel of Isaac who is born first! Their struggle continues when their very different personalities clash with each other, culminating when Esau despises his birthright and Jacob barters it away from him. In addition to this illustration of babies in the womb having a sense of what is going on, the commentary also mentions this interesting thought:

“From the moment of conception, the souls that come to inhabit human bodies are already people. The personalities are already there… They are individuals in possession of their unique souls - transcendent and heavenly beings - each one on his or her mission and path in life.”

The word “abortion” is a euphemism, in that it hides what is really happening. The truth is that when a pregnancy is ended barbarically, or otherwise, the beating heart of a human being, who has a different DNA than its mother, is stopped; it kills not only the human body, but separates the heavenly spirit from the body. I can say without a doubt, that this crime saddens and angers the Biblical God who breathed life into the child. There is absolutely no excuse for this travesty. This reminded me of the debate between Dixon and Whitmer in Michigan’s recent Governor election. I think the subject of “abortion” was handled far too gingerly. I might suggest questioning Whitmer as follows: “Governor, how do you determine what is morally right or wrong? Governor, we constantly hear of a woman’s right to choose, but no mention is made of what is happening to the baby! Perhaps, Governor, you could relate to us what the baby is going through when the surgeon’s blade cuts through the baby’s arm as it is sucking its thumb? When you stop the baby’s heart, you are stopping its soul from living out its purpose. Only God knows what that person could have become. It is not a good idea for a person, a state, or a nation to anger the Biblical God this way. It’s like spitting into the wind.

We have all heard of all the senseless killings and attacks in the news. I suggest that our culture's obsession with killing babies has lead to a general cheapening of life. When children see that adults kill babies with little regard to the baby's life, topped off by no regard for what the Biblical God thinks of such things, then I believe that results in an increase in crime. Proverbs 14:34 says: "Righteousness exalts a nation,

But sin is a reproach to any people." Wisdom, according to the Bible, begins with the fear of the LORD. To fear the LORD is to have knowledge and understanding that the Biblical God punishes evil and rewards right living. Our country needs to do everything it can to promote the respect for life by promoting righteousness.

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