Saturday, August 3, 2024

Review of Jonathan Cahn's book Return of the Gods

 This post is long overdue. I have previously written detailed reviews of Jonathan Cahn's books, and it is time to do so on two of his recent works: The Return of the Gods and The Josiah Manifesto:The Ancient Mystery & Guide for the End Times. He recently finished one called The Dragon's Prophecy: Israel, the Dark Resurrection, and the End of Days, which I have yet to read. I believe Jonathan Cahn is uniquely gifted by BG (Biblical God) to be a prophetic voice for our times, representing the “End-of-Days.” To keep this post shorter, it will only cover the Return of the Gods.

The Return of the Gods: The essence of this book is that the ancient world before Jesus was filled with false gods that were possessed and animated by demonic powers. In the ancient world, these had names such as Enlil of Sumer, Ra of Egypt, Kukulkan of Central America, Wotan of northern Europe, Dionysus of Greece, Obatala of Africe, Tiamat of Babylon. Others that directly affected the Biblical world had names such as Baal, Ishtar, Molech,…etc.

These gods had a common source: Satan. The ancient world was captive to his dark agenda. The Good News is that the coming of Jesus put many of these gods in the background for hundreds of years. The Bad News is that because our country and the world have embraced secularism and eschewed our Biblical roots, the gods have returned. 

Jonathan breaks down this massive shift into these categories: 

The Dark Trinity of:

  • The Possessor: Baal, Zeus. Baal’s preeminent symbol was the bull. To see how this is making a comeback, I invite you to watch on YouTube, the opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, England. New York City recently installed a monument to Baal in Lower Manhattan. This quote from page 68 sums up the section called Days of the Golden Calf. It mentions that there is a depiction of Moses in our Supreme Court:

“He looked down from the Supreme Court with the Ten Commandments in hand as the Supreme Court struck down the Ten Commandments in the public square. He looked down on the podium in the House Chamber  when the officiant dedicated the new congress to the pagan god Brahma… The nation that had been founded after the pattern of ancient Israel had now fallen… Everything was inverted. And Baal, the god of inversion…had worked his magic.”

  • The Enchantress: She was known as the Queen of Heaven, and was the goddess of sexuality and prostitution. Ancient Israel gave into her allure through the Ashtoreths, which were evident in many high hills throughout Israel and Judah when there was a king who did what was evil in the sight of God. She was also known as Ishtar. She came to America through the sexual revolution of the 1960’s. She also infected America as we redefined marriage, and accepted pornography, and homosexuality. 

  • The Destroyer: This was Molech - a hideous evil system that caused families to burn their children on the altar of Molech. The prophet Jeremiah spoke passionately of this evil just before Israel went into captivity; in fact, it was one of the reasons Babylon conquered them.  The counterpart today is abortion. Here is a quote from page 103:

“America was now offering up its own children as sacrifices. Other nations would be led by its example into taking up the gruesome practice as well…The civilization that had, in ancient times, cast out the spirits was now repossessed by them, and America, the shining city on the hill, had now become a blood-soaked high place of Molech.”

  • The Transformer: This is another look at Ishtar. She blurred the line between masculinity and femininity. To quote from page 117:

“Upon its return to the world, [Ishtar] would set out to accomplish its mission:

  • To altar the definition of male and female

  • To blur the lines and nullify the distinction between the two

  • To transform the nature of man and woman

  • To feminize all that was male and masculinize all that was female

  • Attempt to turn man into woman and woman into man

  • War against the sanctity of secuality and gender by confusing the two

  • Work its way from the fringes of society into the mainstream

The book ends with these thoughts:

“The gods have returned. They have ascended the throne of the modern world. They seek to make every knee bow down before them. But their kingdom is false, their authority illegitimate, and their days numbered. Their kingdom will end. And those who have stood for the light, who have lived their lives by the light, and those who have believed in, hoped for, and waited for the light, for them the Light will come, and in that Light they will arise and shine.

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