I just learned about a subject that has astounded my mind. Its ramifications are eternally significant. I learned of the subject through two podcasts and one book. The podcast is called Telepathy Tapes and I found out about it through another podcast called Messiah podcast from First Fruits of Zion. The two episodes on the Messiah podcast are episode 67 - Autism, Telepathy, and Faith by Katie Asher and episode 68 - The Telepathy Tapes and Jewish Spirituality. Episode 67 referred to the Telepathy podcast, which has many episodes and will soon have a second season. I have listened to all of them. Before expanding on this, let me tell you what it’s about.
Many children who have autism and cannot speak are unable to communicate well and cannot easily control their bodies. The outside world watches their uncontrolled behavior and judges them as without abilities and hope for their future. As Ky Dickens states in her opening tagline for Telepathy Tapes, “For decades, a very specific group of people have been claiming telepathy is happening in their homes and in their classrooms. And nobody has believed them. Nobody has listened to them. But on this podcast, we do.”
Episode 9 includes the story of the Cullen family in Minneapolis. Tahni and her husband, Joe have a son named Josiah, who developed Autism when he was one year old. This episode mentions their experience, but they also wrote a book called Josiah’s Fire, which I am now reading. Tahni communicated with Josiah primarily with an iPad so he could record his mind-blowing statements coming straight from a spiritual world akin to heaven. However, such revelations came only after several years of dealing with a scientific, materialistic culture that has no room for spiritual things.
Please listen to the podcasts and get this book. There is another book from another family that is only available on Amazon. It is called The Book of Heaven by Katie Asher and her son Houston. She was interviewed for both the FFOZ Messiah Podcast and the Telepathy Tapes. I have not read that one yet.
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