Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tent of David - Conclusion

Before I get back to my book, I’d like to complete the review of Tent of David with a few closing quotes from the book by Boaz Michael. 
p. 136-138  “The message of the Messianic Gentile is nothing more and nothing less than genuine, biblically based Christianity. The prophetic destiny of Gentile believers is to be part of the restored Tent of David, to recognize their Jewish king and to conform their lives to the Messianic ideal. The Truth will be accepted; it is only a matter of time and effort.
First Fruits of Zion teaches a distinction between the obligations of a Jewish believer and the obligations of a Gentile believer. Not all the commandments that apply to Jews equally apply to Gentiles. This means that Gentile believers who have not taken on those commandments of the Torah that do not pertain to them specifically as Gentiles are not wallowing in sin or rebellion against God. [However] They might be missing out on the disciplines and godly intentions of these commandments, which bring great structure and blessing to one’s life - but they are not living in defiance and rebellion towards God.
The apostles chose not not to obligate the Gentile believers to certain “sign” commandments and specific markers of Jewish identity which were enjoined specifically upon the physical nation of Israel, the Jewish people: circumcision, Shabbat, festivals, mezuzah, tefillin, kashrut, and the Levitical functions. While Gentile believers are not disallowed from participation in most of these mitzvot on some level, they do not do so on the same level as a Jewish person’s responsibility for covenantal fidelity. Besides, these aspects of Torah can really only be kept properly within the context of a Jewish community and culture.
To reiterate, even mitzvot that Gentile Christians are technically obligated to, such as keeping themselves from meat that has not been properly slaughtered, should be presented gently, and as a positive opportunity to connect with God.
p. 172-174
When the opportunity to share does present itself, priorities must be set, the audience must be considered, and the right message delivered. ..these are some of the topics: [Each is worthy of a study in its own right]
  • There is grace in the Torah
  • “Old Testament” saints were saved by faith, not the blood of bulls and goats.
  • The festivals are valuable for believers
  • The “10 Commandments” cannot be ripped from context
  • The purpose of the Torah and its continuing value
  • The church’s relationship to Israel
  • Any reference or allusion to an Old Testament event or passage [deserves understanding its context and application]
  • The Jewishness of early believers and worship.
  • The influence of the synagogue system on the church.
  • Paul’s Jewishness and rabbinic style of expression.
  • The robust nature of salvation and the gospel.
  • Add context whenever possible. 

I love to amplify Jesus’ parables with the Jewish context, and I have used Daniel Lancaster’s short audio clip on the “Macaroni Principle” dozens of times." 
Link to Macaroni Principle:
In conclusion, I encourage you to get the book from and to learn more about how to introduce the Gentile church to what they’ve been missing. 
God bless you!

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