Monday, July 7, 2014

A Day of Emotion

As he was waiting for Rebekah’s answer, his mother and sister came in and they didn’t seem surprised; he knew he and Rebekah probably appeared worked up. Freyda spoke first, “This is a day of emotion as well as rest isn’t it? Perhaps we need a change  of pace. Why don’t we have lunch and then Heinrich can go to the stable and we’ll plan our time together after that.” What a time to get interrupted!, thought Heinrich; his mother’s timing was either cleverly intentional or oddly coincident. “Sarah and I have put a lunch together with left overs from yesterday.” All Heinrich could say was, “Thank you.” He turned to look at Rebekah and they both had a wry smile that was edged with slight irritation and resignation.  Rebekah got herself together and they all went to the kitchen. On the way Heinrich noted the weather outside; it was still overcast and slightly windy. He was hoping to get some time alone with Rebekah tonight, otherwise it would have to be on the trip. He pictured the seating arrangements as they rode along together, huddled up in possible rain.

During the casual lunch the talk never got into their emotional feelings; but focused on what was needed for tomorrow’s trip. Rebekah would wear one of Freyda’s hats so it would appear as though Heinrich’s whole family was going somewhere. This was in case they were spotted on the road. Freyda mentioned a few items for Heinrich to buy at the store because she wanted to allow for a change of plans in case something were to delay them for another day. The most important part was the wagon, so Heinrich excused himself and, as he opened the door to depart, looked at Rebekah and was thrilled as their eyes communicated a mutual admiration for each other. She even managed a smile which caused a rush of feelings in him. 

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